Data Science Articles by Peggy Chang
A collection of my data science articles published in Towards Data Science and Towards AI.
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Transformers, can you rate the complexity of reading passages? [🐟🐟🐟 Deep Dives] Fine-tuning RoBERTa with PyTorch to predict reading ease of text excerpts |
Advanced Techniques for Fine-tuning Transformers [❤️❤️❤️ Popular] Learn these advanced techniques and see how they can help improve results |
AWS Certified Machine Learning — Specialty Tips and suggestions on how to prepare and pass the exam |
Building a Product Recommendation Engine with AWS SageMaker Learn how to build and train a personalized recommender engine with Amazon SageMaker Factorization Machines |
Mastering Dynamic Programming [🐟🐟🐟 Deep Dives] Understanding the fundamentals and knowing when and how to apply this optimization technique |
Mastering Dynamic Programming II Manual tabulation and workout is a great way to start grokking, analyzing, and spotting patterns, as well as strengthening our understanding and intuitions |
Product Quantization for Similarity Search [⭐️⭐️⭐️ TDS Editors’ Pick] How to compress and fit a humongous set of vectors in memory for similarity search with asymmetric distance computation (ADC) |
Similarity Search with IVFPQ [⭐️⭐️⭐️ TDS Editors’ Pick] Find out how the inverted file index (IVF) is implemented alongside product quantization (PQ) for a fast and efficient approximate nearest neighbor search |
IVFPQ + HNSW for Billion-scale Similarity Search [🐟🐟🐟 Deep Dives] The best indexing approach for billion-sized vector datasets |
Lucene Inside Out - Dealing With Integer Encoding and Compression [🐟🐟🐟 Deep Dives] Delve into PackedInts, VInt, FixedBitSet, and RoaringDocIdSet (Roaring Bitmaps) |